IGMPlot - A code
using either promolecular or QM density with IGM-δg index
for detecting and plotting interactions.
Revision history
Fixed minor syntax errors that could cause issues with some compilers.
Updated the documentation and the Makefile.
AO pruning procedure implemented to save time
ELF&IGM approach to carry out ELF analysis
Parser of ADF wavefunction (binary adf.rkf can be directly read now),
STO treament instead of GTO (wfx, wfn)
Integrated deltag scores have now rotational invariance within the promolecular and QM mode
Bug fixed in research of critical point, convergence was
not always reached, lack of accuracy now resolved
In promolecular mode, the smallest molecule is automatically detected
and the grid is built around it with a buffer
Gnuplot scripts are now automatically generated by IGMPlot to draw 2D-plot interaction signatures
Significant acceleration of the code has been obtained by code optimisation
Benchmark results are now available
Bug fixed: the parameters of the CUBE keywords were not always correctly exploited
Compilation error on certain Linux versions fixed
Step-by-Step tutorials have bee added to the website
Bug fixed: to account for the new PEAKFOCUSINTRA and PEAKFOCUSINTER keywords in writing cubes in promolecular mode
Improved output
Bug fixed: the Hirshfeld partition is now restricted to atoms of periods 1-3
Critical point search analysis
Atomic Degree Of Interaction (DOI)
Implementation of the Hirshfeld-based ED gradient partition
qg new local descriptor (the "quotient" twin of the deltag "difference" descriptor) reported in the igm.dat outputfile
Atomic decomposition of the intermolecular interactions in QM mode
CUTOFF default changed to 0.4 to print in the igm.dat file
BAF replaced by the Pair Density Asymmetry (PDA)
Integrated deltag scores have now rotational invariance
bugs fixed
Indicative timings and logs for the set of samples made available
Promolecular electron density still improved at intermediate range for Te, I and Xe
Promolecular electron density parameterized for atoms Te, I and Xe of period 5
BAF calculation finalized, based on valence electron density
Maximum of dg displayed on the dg scale
Improved output display
standalone script vmdpath to automatically adjust a vmd file session to the current path
standalone python script IGMPLOT_test_samples.py to run automatically all IGMPlot samples
IBSI and BAF calculations implemented
new FRAG2 keyword
new CUBEFRAG keyword
IGM integration scheme
energy estimation in promolecular mode
WFX file format now supported
color scale adapted within the atomic decomposition scheme
accelerated performances
bugs fixed
Bug fixed in function addAtom (ProgData.cpp) to allow for atom with Z > 36 for wfn electron density
Bug fixed in reader.h; the atom array has been extended to all atoms of the periodic table
Bug fixed in IGMPLot to deal with WFN input files with more than 99 atoms
The deprecated getExecPath function has been removed from output.h and output.cpp.
Precision choice has been disable (only double are allowed now)
No [0-9]f and .f remaining
electron density computation extended to period 4. Able to predict low-density only (non-covalent domain).
cannot be used to describe covalent (nor metal coordination) situations.
Line parameter management improved
Limited ouput size added (2048MB by default) with --limit line parameter for the web IGMPlotOnDemand webserver
Improved: paralleling / dynamic scheduling
Improved: isInMoleculeA called npri times --> bool array
Improved: eps value in eig3.cpp only computed once
2.2.1 :
Number of threads used displayed
Debugged: percentage of completion (more often in quantum and less in promolecular)
Parallel version of the quantum implementation of the IGM approach
Debugged: percentage of completion
Bug fixed in vmd scripts generation (viewpoint management)
Dynamic computation of maximum values for dG intra/inter values for adapting iso surfaces in vmd files (promolecular and quantum)
Display of percentage of completion implemented
Quantum approcah implemented : IGM from electron density coming from a wave function calculation
File writing improvement
Compilation complient with GNU, Intel and Portland compiler
Hessien eigenvalues/vectors computed thanks to free source code (eig3)
No need to use cpp11 compilation flag
No inline function
Intel VTune analysed for optimization
Promolecular parallel computation for GNU compiler