The following is a collection of links that you might find useful when learning three.js.
If you find something that you'd like to add here, or think that one of the links below is no longer
relevant or working, feel free to click the 'edit' button in the top right and make some changes!
Note also that as three.js is under rapid development, a lot of these links will contain information that is
out of date - if something isn't working as you'd expect or as one of these links says it should,
check the browser console for warnings or errors, the relevant docs pages and especially the [page:DeprecatedList].
In addition to this page, mrdoob maintains a collection of links related to three.js over on Google+.
Check them out
Three.js officially uses [link: Stack Overflow] for help requests.
If you need assistance with something, that's the place to go. Do NOT open an issue on Github for help requests.
These links are kept for historical purposes - you may still find them useful, but be warned that
they may have information relating to very old versions of three.js.