Represents a section bounded by a specific amount of half-edges. The current implmentation assumes that a face always consist of three edges.
[property:Vector3 normal]
The normal vector of the face. Default is a [page:Vector3] at (0, 0, 0).
[property:Vector3 midpoint]
The midpoint or centroid of the face. Default is a [page:Vector3] at (0, 0, 0).
[property:Float area]
The area of the face. Default is 0.
[property:Float constant]
Signed distance from face to the origin. Default is 0.
[property:VertexNode outside]
Reference to a vertex in a vertex list this face can see. Default is null.
[property:Integer mark]
Marks if a face is visible or deleted. Default is 'Visible'.
[property:HalfEdge edge]
Reference to the base edge of a face. To retrieve all edges, you can use the 'next' reference of the current edge. Default is null.
[method:Face create]( [param:VertexNode a], [param:VertexNode b], [param:VertexNode c] )
[page:VertexNode a] - First vertex of the face.
[page:VertexNode b] - Second vertex of the face.
[page:VertexNode c] - Third vertex of the face.
Creates a face.
[method:HalfEdge getEdge]( [param:Integer i] )
[page:Integer i] - The index of the edge.
Returns an edge by the given index.
[method:Face compute] ()
Computes all properties of the face.
[method:Float distanceToPoint]( [param:Vector3 point] )
[page:Vector3 point] - Any point in 3D space.
Returns the signed distance from a given point to the plane representation of this face.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/js/QuickHull.js examples/js/QuickHull.js]