This class contains the parameters that define exponential fog, i.e., that grows exponentially denser with the distance.
[name]( [param:Integer color], [param:Float density] )
The color parameter is passed to the [page:Color] constructor to set the color property. Color can be a hexadecimal integer or a CSS-style string.
[property:String name]
Optional name of the object (doesn't need to be unique). Default is an empty string.
[property:Color color]
Fog color. Example: If set to black, far away objects will be rendered black.
[property:Float density]
Defines how fast the fog will grow dense.
Default is 0.00025.
[method:FogExp2 clone]()
Returns a new FogExp2 instance with the same parameters as this one.
[method:FogExp2 toJSON]()
Return FogExp2 data in JSON format.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]