A point's [link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylindrical_coordinate_system cylindrical coordinates].
[name]( [param:Float radius], [param:Float theta], [param:Float y] )
[page:Float radius] - distance from the origin to a point in the x-z plane.
Default is *1.0*.
[page:Float theta] - counterclockwise angle in the x-z plane measured in radians
from the positive z-axis. Default is *0*.
[page:Float y] - height above the x-z plane. Default is *0*.
[property:Float radius]
[property:Float theta]
[property:Float y]
[method:Cylindrical clone]()
Returns a new cylindrical with the same [page:.radius radius], [page:.theta theta]
and [page:.y y] properties as this one.
[method:Cylindrical copy]( [param:Cylindrical other] )
Copies the values of the passed Cylindrical's [page:.radius radius], [page:.theta theta]
and [page:.y y] properties to this cylindrical.
[method:Cylindrical set]( [param:Float radius], [param:Float phi], [param:Float theta] )
Sets values of this cylindrical's [page:.radius radius], [page:.theta theta]
and [page:.y y] properties.
[method:Cylindrical setFromVector3]( [param:Vector3 vec3] )
Sets values of this cylindrical's [page:.radius radius], [page:.theta theta]
and [page:.y y] properties from the [page:Vector3 Vector3].
The [page:.radius radius] is set the vector's distance from the origin as measured along
the the x-z plane, while [page:.theta theta] is set from its direction on
the the x-z plane and [page:.y y] is set from the vector's y component.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]