Renders [page:ArrowHelper arrows] to visualize an object's [page:Face3 face] normals.
Requires that face normals have been specified on all [page:Face3 faces] or calculated with [page:Geometry.computeFaceNormals computeFaceNormals].
Note that this only works with the objects whose geometry is an instance of [page:Geometry].
For [page:BufferGeometry] use a [page:VertexNormalsHelper] instead.
[example:webgl_helpers WebGL / helpers]
geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 10, 10, 10, 2, 2, 2 );
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000 } );
box = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
helper = new THREE.FaceNormalsHelper( box, 2, 0x00ff00, 1 );
scene.add( box );
scene.add( helper );
[name]( [param:Object3D object], [param:Number size], [param:Color color], [param:Number linewidth] )
[page:Object3D object] -- object for which to render face normals.
[page:Number size] -- (optional) length of the arrows. Default is *1*.
[page:Hex color] -- (optional) hex color of the arrows. Default is *0xffff00*.
[page:Number linewidth] -- (optional) width of the arrow lines. Default is *1*.
See the base [page:LineSegments] class for common properties.
[property:object matrixAutoUpdate]
See [page:Object3D.matrixAutoUpdate]. Set to *false* here as the helper is using the
objects's [page:Object3D.matrixWorld matrixWorld].
[property:Object3D object]
The object for which the face normals are being visualized.
[property:Number size]
Length of the arrows. Default is *1*.
See the base [page:LineSegments] class for common methods.
[method:null update]()
Updates the face normal preview based on movement of the object.
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]