[page:Curve] →
An abstract base class extending [page:Curve]. A CurvePath is simply an array of connected curves,
but retains the api of a curve.
The constructor take no parameters.
See the base [page:Curve] class for common properties.
[property:array curves]
The array of [page:Curve Curves].
[property:boolean autoClose]
Whether or not to automatically close the path.
See the base [page:Curve] class for common methods.
[method:null add]( [param:Curve curve] )
Add a curve to the [page:.curves] array.
[method:null closePath]()
Adds a [page:LineCurve lineCurve] to close the path.
[method:Float getCurveLengths]()
Adds together the lengths of the curves in the [page:.curves] array.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]