WebGLRenderer Constants

Cull Face Modes

THREE.CullFaceNone THREE.CullFaceBack THREE.CullFaceFront THREE.CullFaceFrontBack
[page:constant CullFaceNone] disables face culling.
[page:constant CullFaceBack] culls back faces (default).
[page:constant CullFaceFront] culls front faces.
[page:constant CullFaceFrontBack] culls both front and back faces.

Front Face Direction

THREE.FrontFaceDirectionCW THREE.FrontFaceDirectionCCW
[page:constant FrontFaceDirectionCW] sets the winding order for polygons to clockwise.
[page:constant FrontFaceDirectionCCW] sets the winding order for polygons to counter-clockwise (default).

Shadow Types

THREE.BasicShadowMap THREE.PCFShadowMap THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap
These define the WebGLRenderer's [page:WebGLRenderer.shadowMap.type shadowMap.type] property.

[page:constant BasicShadowMap] gives unfiltered shadow maps - fastest, but lowest quality.
[page:constant PCFShadowMap] filters shadow maps using the Percentage-Closer Filtering (PCF) algorithm (default).
[page:constant PCFSoftShadowMap] filters shadow maps using the Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows (PCSS) algorithm.

Tone Mapping

THREE.NoToneMapping THREE.LinearToneMapping THREE.ReinhardToneMapping THREE.Uncharted2ToneMapping THREE.CineonToneMapping
These define the WebGLRenderer's [page:WebGLRenderer.toneMapping toneMapping] property. This is used to approximate the appearance of high dynamic range (HDR) on the low dynamic range medium of a standard computer monitor or mobile device's screen.

[page:constant NoToneMapping] disables tone mapping.
[page:constant LinearToneMapping] is the default.

See the [example:webgl_tonemapping WebGL / tonemapping] example.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/constants.js src/constants.js]