Material Constants

These constants define properties common to all material types, with the exception of Texture Combine Operations which only apply to [page:MeshBasicMaterial.combine MeshBasicMaterial], [page:MeshLambertMaterial.combine MeshLambertMaterial] and [page:MeshPhongMaterial.combine MeshPhongMaterial].


THREE.FrontSide THREE.BackSide THREE.DoubleSide
Defines which side of faces will be rendered - front, back or both. Default is [page:Constant FrontSide].


THREE.NoColors THREE.FaceColors THREE.VertexColors
[page:Constant NoColors] is the default and applies the material's color to all faces.
[page:Constant FaceColors] colors faces according to each [page:Face3 Face3][property:Color color] value.
[page:Constant VertexColors] colors faces according to each [page:Face3 Face3][property:Array vertexColors] value. This is an array of three [page:Color Color]s, one for each vertex in the face.
See the [example:webgl_geometry_colors geometry / colors] example.

Blending Mode

THREE.NoBlending THREE.NormalBlending THREE.AdditiveBlending THREE.SubtractiveBlending THREE.MultiplyBlending THREE.CustomBlending
These control the source and destination blending equations for the material's RGB and Alpha sent to the WebGLRenderer for use by WebGL.
[page:Constant NormalBlending] is the default.
Note that [page:Constant CustomBlending] must be set to use [page:CustomBlendingEquation Custom Blending Equations].
See the [example:webgl_materials_blending materials / blending] example.

Depth Mode

THREE.NeverDepth THREE.AlwaysDepth THREE.LessDepth THREE.LessEqualDepth THREE.GreaterEqualDepth THREE.GreaterDepth THREE.NotEqualDepth
Which depth function the material uses to compare incoming pixels Z-depth against the current Z-depth buffer value. If the result of the comparison is true, the pixel will be drawn.
[page:Materials NeverDepth] will never return true.
[page:Materials AlwaysDepth] will always return true.
[page:Materials LessDepth] will return true if the incoming pixel Z-depth is less than the current buffer Z-depth.
[page:Materials LessEqualDepth] is the default and will return true if the incoming pixel Z-depth is less than or equal to the current buffer Z-depth.
[page:Materials GreaterEqualDepth] will return true if the incoming pixel Z-depth is greater than or equal to the current buffer Z-depth.
[page:Materials GreaterDepth] will return true if the incoming pixel Z-depth is greater than the current buffer Z-depth.
[page:Materials NotEqualDepth] will return true if the incoming pixel Z-depth is not equal to the current buffer Z-depth.

Texture Combine Operations

THREE.MultiplyOperation THREE.MixOperation THREE.AddOperation These define how the result of the surface's color is combined with the environment map (if present), for [page:MeshBasicMaterial.combine MeshBasicMaterial], [page:MeshLambertMaterial.combine MeshLambertMaterial] and [page:MeshPhongMaterial.combine MeshPhongMaterial].
[page:Constant MultiplyOperation] is the default and multiplies the environment map color with the surface color.
[page:Constant MixOperation] uses reflectivity to blend between the two colors.
[page:Constant AddOperation] adds the two colors.


[link: src/constants.js]