[page:KeyframeTrack] →
A Track of quaternion keyframe values.
[name]( [param:String name], [param:Array times], [param:Array values] )
[page:String name] (required) identifier for the KeyframeTrack.
[page:Array times] (required) array of keyframe times.
[page:Array values] values for the keyframes at the times specified.
[page:Constant interpolation] the type of interpolation to use. See
[page:Animation Animation Constants] for possible values. Default is
[page:Animation InterpolateLinear].
See [page:KeyframeTrack] for inherited properties.
[property:Constant DefaultInterpolation]
The default interpolation type to use, [page:Animation InterpolateLinear].
[property:String ValueTypeName]
String 'quaternion'.
See [page:KeyframeTrack] for inherited methods.
[method:null InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear]()
Returns a new [page:QuaternionLinearInterpolant QuaternionLinearInterpolant] based on the
[page:KeyframeTrack.values values], [page:KeyframeTrack.times times] and
[page:KeyframeTrack.valueSize valueSize] of the keyframes.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]