1 : Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne / Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de Reims UMR 7312 CNRS-URCA
2 : Université de Strasbourg / Institut de Chimie, UMR 7177 CNRS-UDS
The discovery and development of new versatile reactions is a challenging goal and a prerequisite toward the synthesis of complex molecular architectures. Albeit the Cope rearrangement (CopeR) reached the standing of “named reactions” through its efficiency in a multiple of chemical processes including in the field of target-oriented synthesis, the related rearrangement (but in fact so remote) Aromatic Cope Rearrangement (ArCopeR) remains confidential and appears almost unusable. Such a situation is clearly due to the huge thermodynamic and kinetic predicaments inherent to this transformation. With ArCopeRebirth project, we propose to take the ArCopeR out of a confidential area of research based on intriguing reactivity and push it in the modern synthetic toolbox that can be efficiently implemented in rational synthesis of complex molecules. Through the course of this project, we ambition both to explore fundamental aspects of reactivity especially in view of all historical fails to track this reaction and highlight efficient synthetic methodologies notably for the CH functionalisation of aromatic compounds and synthesis of complexes chiral molecules via dearomatisation reactions.
Without catalyst | With catalyst |
Simple | Simple |
With ester | With ester |